This morning I cleaned up the house on the inside and Austin played some video games. Chuck kept busy outside and changed out some trim that was rotting on the back of the house. He also worked on getting electricity to the wall above the fireplace, so that we can put a flat screen TV up there. I was impressed that he was able to do that and not fall through the attic or electrocute himself! Later that evening we went to the Pierce's house and had a Memorial Day BBQ. Chuck smoked some brisket and I cooked some corn on the grill to take with us, others brought different foods to share.

We brought one of the single adults from our ward with us and our home teacher, Bro. Lyman came with his family. They have older kids like we do and twin girls, age 18, named Ashley and Amber. They are cute girls, if one didn't have a different hair cut, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart!

After we ate some of us went out and hit a few balls on the range, here is Michelle and Noel.

Austin loves to come here and hit balls!

After we were warmed up, a few of us went out and played 9 holes.

Austin likes to play to, but he usually loses interest after the 4Th hole.

I think the others loaded up on the carts and drove around the course instead.

Once Austin got tired, he rode his bike on the sidewalk winding around the 9 holes. He was cruzing!

To top the evening off, Eddie pulled out the 4 wheelers' so that the big boys could have some fun too! These two look way to happy!
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