This weekend Lindsie stayed home with Austin so Chuck and I could go to SLC for Tyler McLemore's wedding. We caught the 9pm flight to SLC and stayed in a hotel in Sandy, then the next morning we headed to the SLC temple. It was packed, they said they have 12 or 14 sealing rooms, there were brides all over the place. Here is a picture of Tyler and his new bride, Maddie.

I took this photo of the temple while we were waiting outside for the bride and groom to make their appearance as husband and wife.

It was so nice to see Philip and Brent at the wedding. Also a friend of Philips, and Philips wife, Jennifer.

Brother McLemore, the Orr's and Chuck also waiting for the bride and groom to arrive outside after the sealing.

Daniel, Stephanie and the Jensen's as they wait for Tyler and his bride to arrive.

The McLemore's with Tyler and their new daughter, Maddie. Brother McLemore cried more than Sister McLemore at the sealing, I would have never guest that. Stephanie, Clarissa, and Bridget were all on the temple grounds, somewhere!

Tyler with Maddie and her parents. Tyler looked happy and the bride was lovely.

Tyler with Maddie and her grandparents. I am including this picture because the grandmother is in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with Sister Uchtdorf's, and President Uchtdorf agreed to perform the sealing. It was so cool when President Uchtdorf came into the sealing room all full of friends and family waiting for the sealing. He gave some great advice on loving your spouse and holding their hand, to give/take, and be patient. He gave an example of when he was a stake president and presiding over a new temple, I think Frankfurt temple, how an old couple were last to leave and they came out holding hands (not just for support, but a tight grip because they loved each other) it was really sweet. Then he laughed about how he had to be more patient and forgiving. Then he hugged the bride & groom and their families and waved good-bye. He made it perfectly clear that this day was the bride & grooms day. I didn't get a hand shake or hug, I wish I could of...but just hearing his German accent and being in the same room with him was great! I won't lie, my heart skipped a beat!

After the sealing and the pictures, Chuck and I headed for the airport. On the way to the car, I had to stop and take off my shoes, the grass was so super soft!

On our way Chuck had to stop at IN & OUT Burger for lunch.

After we got to the airport we missed the flights that day, but the car rental place was nice enough to hold our car for us (we didn't have to turn it in till 11pm) and so we drove up towards Ogden to check out a town called Morgan, where the Orr's live. There we saw this huge apricot tree!

It was loaded!!! I had to stop and take some pictures and helped myself to a few of them. YES... I knocked on the peoples door and the establishment next door, they were not home, and the home looked abandoned. The apricot tree was behind the garage, and they were just falling to the ground! They were so awesome, I only picked a few for Chuck and I. But, I wish they were home so I could of asked to pick a lot more!

Anyway, we followed the river through the town and looked to see if there was anything great for sale. Not much but pastures and corn fields. I think the town was to small about 2900 people, but it was nice

Since we were so close to Ogden, Chuck and I decided to go to Ogden and check it out! We went to the temple, the missionary's office, and a church building down the road from the temple. No sign of Ashlie,but there were a bunch of missionary cars parked in the church parking lot. A member came outside and told us that they had 3 baptisms scheduled there tonight. We left after that......we really didn't want to run into Ashlie, we just wanted to see where she is all the time!

We took this picture of the sculpture that is outside the mission office to show Ashlie we were there!

Just kiddie-corner to the mission office was this great little ice cream place called “Farr Better Ice Cream” Chuck had Huckleberry and I had raspberry cheese cake, it was divine! We took a picture of us eating ice cream outside to send to Ashlie too! It was getting late, so we drove back to SLC. It was too late to make the reception for Tyler, so we decided to get some Chinese food and take it back to the hotel and watch TV in bed...I love that! Sunday we spent all day at the airport, it was actually pretty relaxing because it was just the two of us. We ended up going through Phoenix to get home, which was about 9pm that night! Linds and Austin survived the weekend, and Austin had a great time, not sure about Lindsie. It was very sweet of her to stay with Austin for the weekend for us!
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