During our flight to Seattle, we were able to get up above the clouds just as we were passing Mt. Rainier. We were so close, and the window's were getting all frosty on the outside.

We arrived late afternoon and G. Rose picked Austin and I up and went right from the airport in Seattle to Fran's house on Samish Island for some salmon, potato salad, and fireworks!

Here is Scott and Fran. It was so good to see Fran and her daughter Peggy, and Peggy's family.It is so beautiful on Samish Island.

G. Rose & G. Scott both went to the Indian Reservation to get some
fireworks for Austin! It was clear at Frans house so Austin & G. Scott were able to light off fireworks over the water.

They started off with some smoke bombs (see the blue smoke below) as they waited for it to get darker.

Austin was having fun lighting the black snake (ash) firework and some army tanks that rolled off the edge into the water.

It was only about 59 degrees out, and not raining, so everyone was wearing a sweatshirts and I was also wrapped in a blanket!

Austin wasn't to cold, but he didn't want to stay still for a second.

Mom even went inside to warm up a bit and have some tea.

After the fireworks, we got to G. Rose's at about 10 pm and Austin and I went right to bed. The next day we woke up and it was beautiful and sunny outside. They forecasted a week of sunshine and in the 80's! Even Fritzle was having a hard time o staying cool. That morning Chuck called and said that we felt like he needed to be up here with Austin and I and he flew up to SEA and then took a small plane into Bellingham, I picked him up at midnight! He's so funny, after all these years he still doesn't like to be by himself. I don't know why he didn't just come up with us yesterday!

G. Rose & G. Scott weren't enjoying the warm weather as much as Austin and I were. They were sweating the whole week, it was really hot to them. Even Beasley was having a hard time cooling down.

I love it when we can see Mt. Baker when we get a little out of town. During the day we just hung out at Grandma's house and walked the trail to the grocery store, Haggens. On Tuesday we went and had lunch with Chuck's high school buddy's Mom, Mrs. Neubeuer. She is such a sweet lady and we enjoyed having lunch with her at BOOMERS and then we went to her house and sat outside and looked at her family photo's.

One day we drove out to Maple Falls, where Bill lives and visited with him and Linda. Bill showed us a nature trail that was near his property. It was amazing how the temperature went down 10 degree's in the shade!

Austin wanted to wade in the water and it was sooooo cold, coming off the mountain!

Austin was having a great time running in the streams and on fallen down logs!

We stayed for a bit and Bill showed us his hydro garden and then we visited with Linda a bit.

Austin had a great time playing with the new kittens!

Austin really enjoyed playing with Bill and Linda's dog! It was nice to go out and visit them. The ride up there is beautiful!

We spent a couple of days working out at the cabin. The broken water pipes had been fixed in the winter and we went to make sure all was well. The pipes were good, but the toilet connection was leaking so Chuck fixed that, then the tank leaked and he tried to fix that...we ended up getting an old toilet at the Restore and replaced the one in the cabin. But now it is clean and everything works, so G. Rose & G. Scott can come out and use the cabin.

Austin and Beasley checked out the 'head tall' grass to see if any deer had been laying in the yard.

The ceiling has a small leak in it in the main room, so Chuck got up on the roof and swept off all the needles and moss and tacked some moss strips on the roof to help keep the moss from growing back. I will try to go back in August and repaint the inside. We tried to use the weedeater to cut the grass, but it was to tall and a pain to cut. I'll have to find someone to come and mow it next week.

Austin spent most of his time climbing on these huge rhododendron bushes by the front of the cabin. On Wednesday I went and visited with G.G. Asplund, and she is doing pretty good and looks good for 89. On Thursday Austin and I meet her and Dad at McDonalds for dinner. Grandma loves getting a hamburger and a chocolate shake, Austin was pretty happy too! Today we said a prayer for Lindsie, she takes the MCAT today!

On Friday evening, Chuck, Austin and I went for a car ride around town. Chuck showed Austin all the places he lived and where he played as a kid, and so did I. I really think Austin liked that a lot, I know Chuck and I did. After our little sight-seeing trip we headed to Lake Padden. Austin was in the water within 5 minutes of parking the car!

This is my favorite lake in town, it can be so quiet here!

This trail goes all the way around the lake.

The Bishop is never off duty, Chuck got a phone call and fell behind.

No problem, this is a great place to stop and eat some red huckleberries, Yum!

1. Austin really wanted to jump off the fishing dock into the lake.

2. He really, really, wanted to jump off the fishing dock!

3. He did it!

4. And he got out really quick...it was pretty cold water.

This is the opposite end of the lake to the fishing dock. This side of the lake has a playground and ball fields.

Austin had to get into the lake one last time, as the sun was going down.

One of the days we stopped by to show Austin the first place Chuck and I lived when were were married. This is a triplex, and our appartment was in the middle. It was an awsome little place with a white picket fence. It really was 3 months of newly married bliss!

It was only a few years ago that I noticed the name of the street that we lived on....crazy huh? Chuck had to get home before Monday, and the flights were filling up, so Austin and I came home early with him. We had a really great week and the weather was perfect!
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