This weekend we flew into Tulsa and then drove up to Nevada, Missouri for the Martin Family reunion! Kent wasn't planning on coming, but at the last minute he flew to Houston, spent the night with us, and flew with us to Tulsa (job issues). Here is Ashley and Austin getting the party started!

I had to take a picture of Tami, she has lost over 100 pounds! It was so weird to see her that size again, like when we lived together in 82! I had to apologize, I kept staring at her! But she looks great and she says she feels a lot better too. Richard wasn't able to come, he is running for city councilman or something like that in Tennessee!

Dad had plenty to do to keep him busy, here I snapped a picture of him resting.

On Friday we all went over to Hal's house for some fun on the lake. Chuck had to work so he stayed at G & G house so that he would work!

Here is the new boat dock that Hal put in, it was awesome!

Here is a picture of Brad and Austin on the jet ski. It was so nice to spend some time with Brad, he is happy, funny, and i swear bigger every time I see him. His girlfriend, Hope is way to nice to him but he's just as sweet to her too.

Ashley and Tami getting into the lake. Tami actually kicked some but out on the jet ski.

Austin was excited to go out on the tube.

The more sophisticated of the group opted for a leisurely boat ride.

Nice day to be out in the boat....who's in the tube?

Back at the Martin's the ladies (Roberta, Joanie, Marlene) rested in the shade for a bit.

The younger ladies (Tami, Jackie, Megan) were busy setting up the games for the days activities.

Ashlie and Austin gave a helping hand decorating things with balloons.

And so did the older men ( Gordon, Dave).

Grandpa with his brother and sister, and their spouses. In order it's Joanie and Gordon (his brother)then Bobby & George then Marlene (his sister) and Dave.

Our small family, Lindsie is in summer school, and Ashlie and Cory are on their mission!

Hal and Jackie's family

Tami and her kids plus Hope, Sarah wasn't able to get time off from work.

Bob and Becky, they flew over from Germany. Becky's daughter, Heidi, was due about the same time as the reunion and she went into labor about the time Becky landed in Houston so Becky and Bob stayed in Houston for an extra day. We found out there are some heart complications with the baby, so she will be in our prayers.

Group picture of all The Martin's attending the reunion.

Chuck and the kids getting out of the heat and watching some TV.

Austin's favorite part were all the games set up outside. Anything sharp to throw is a bonus!

Austin kept trying to hit all three jugs, I think he wore out his arm!

And of course all of the great food! Hal, Jackie, Mom and Dad have been working on getting all the food together for weeks.

And the for the guests of honor, we made Mom and Dad these 60th anniversary ball caps, I think Mom felt like a queen!

Funny story about the cake! To make a long story short, the cake was suppose to be a mauve color, and I'm not sure if this color even has a name! And when we went to get the cake...there was a fly in the box! Oh well, what they don't know won't hurt em!

Happy 60th wedding anniversary Mom and Dad!

The party was over and in the evening we did a little fishing in Dad's pond.

Austin decided to stay a fish for a bit on his own. Saturday night we got to bed about 10:30pm because we had to get up at 1:30am to drive to Tulsa and catch our flight to Houston, Chuck arrived in time to run home, take a shower and go to church. Austin and I didn't wake up till after noon! It was fun to see everyone again, but we sure did miss those who couldn't attend. I wonder if we'll ever be able to get everyone together at one time?
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