On Thursday I flew up to Utah to pick up Linds and Cory for Easter weekend. The flights were really full, and I didn't think they would make it without me. I know that Lindsie really wanted a break, and Cory got things all organized so that he could try and a go through the temple on Friday. So I made the flight up their, and Cory picked me up at the airport...it was snowing! Just wanted to note that we got lost going back to Provo, Cory took a wrong turn, and was headed west! But we turned around and found I-15 South again, and I got to see Cory's apartment! It was very bare and manly, and pretty clean! Afterwards we took the car over to Lindsie's apartment and headed to the Wilkinson;s Center for lunch. After lunch, Cory and I walked around the book store for a bit, and bought Dad the 'LDS Passover dinner Celebration' and then Cory went to take a test and I went to the library and got on line for awhile. Lindise came in a few hours later between classes and we chatted a bit, then she went back to class. Then Cory came back and borrowed a pen from me to take a test (that was weird) and then he went home to get ready for a meeting with someone, for his temple recommend. So I stayed and did some homework, and then Lindsie came to get me, and she showed me where she works on campus and the lab she's always at for Dr. Laura Bridgewater! Then we walked to her apartment (it was snowing) and then went to the Brick Oven for dinner. Cory had just gotten home from his meeting, so we took him some Chicken Alfredo. We meet his roommate Nathan, and talked for a bit, then Linds and I headed to her apartment. I meet one of Lindsie's roommates, and then I slept on the couch, it was pretty comfy. We had to wake up at 4:30am so that we could be at the airport by 630am. Amazing, Cory was up and ready! We didn't get on the 7:55 am flight...it was full, but we did make the 1pm flight...just barely...Cory was the last one on the plane. We had a back up plan for him to go through Las Vegas to get home if he didn't make it! He would of missed his temple session, but the Lord was looking out for him, and we were able to get home by 6pm....(change)...and drive to the temple for our 6:30pm appointment and then make the 8pm session.

Just before going into the temple we took a few pictures of this momentous day! Cory looked so excited, and we were all so happy! Once inside the temple, Brother Lindholm did all the paperwork for Cory, and then got Chuck and Cory where they needed to be for Cory to take out his endowments. Chuck finally got his turn to be the Escort, and he was very excited about that! Lindsie and I caught up with them for the 8pm session.

After the temple we picked up Austin (he was staying with Michael) and we all went to Chilies' for a late celebration dinner. It was a great day!

When Lindsie took out her endowments, we went to Dallas, and for Ashlie we went all the way to Nauvoo! It was really nice for Cory to take out his endowments at the Houston Temple, he was around for the Open House and dedication of the Houston Temple in 2000. It was wonderful to have half of our kids their in the temple, and we were all thinking about Ashlie too!
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