Monday night we were all up till well past midnight helping Cory pack up his room and get things packed for his mission. It wasn't so long ago that I did this with Ashlie and Linds. Austin and I drove Dad and Cory to the airport Tuesday morning to catch a 9:40 am flight for Utah, then Cory reports to the MTC on May 5th. Needless to say, it was a teary good-bye for all of us!

Once they got to SLC they drove up to Logan to see Rachel Jensen one last time before the mission, then head to Provo to do some shopping. They had a few more items to get, like thermal underwear,an over coat, ties, and shoes.

Chuck took this picture of Cory getting ready to leave for the MTC. Lindsie drove up to the Hotel to meet Cory and Dad, she had to bring Cory her extra big suitcase so that he could get all the new items into 2 suitcases!

Cory had everything packed and ready to head to the MTC. First stop was McDonald's so that Cory could get a McGriddle for breakfast.

Then a stop at IN/OUT burger for Chuck.

The three Amigo's driving around Provo.

A stop at Olive Garden for one last yummy lunch! Linds said that Cory was really nervous and didn't eat much!

Cory made one last stop at the Wilkinson center(he secretly ordered Linds tulips to be delivered to her later).

Next they parked by the temple and went across to the MTC to get some pictures of Cory in front of the MTC sign.

Cory got out of the car and gave Chuck a big hug, who then started crying. Lindsie then pretends to be Cory's girlfriend yelling, "No, I can't be without you for two years, don't go, don't leave me, as she hangs onto his neck. They were all laughing pretty hard. She must of been pretty convincing, because the escort came and grabbed Cory's luggage and whisked him away pretty quickly.

After they dropped Cory off at the MTC, Linds and Chuck went to Thanksgiving Point to walk around and check out all the wonderful tulips. Dad was kind of board with tulips after 2hours, but was a good sport with no whining.

Then it must of been Dad's turn to pick what to do and they went to the Aquarium where they touched a sting ray and were educated on the SLC brine shrimp. Afterwards, Chuck talked to Clark Anderson and made plans to meet him later for dinner and to meet Clark's girlfriend.

But not before another quick stop to IN/OUT burger!
Apparently Lindsie did a little whining about going to dinner with Clark, but she ended up having a great time. Both Chuck and Lindsie really liked Shilah, and agreed that Clark should marry her. After dinner, Chuck sent Clark a text telling Clark that he should ask Shilah to marry him or Chuck will do it for him. Clark then texted Chuck her phone number! I'm surprised Chuck didn't text her back! After dinner, Chuck took Lindsie back to the hotel to get her car and then she went back to her apartment in Provo, and then Chuck came home Thursday morning. I'm sorry that I missed all the fun, but it was easier to say good-bye to Cory here at home! It is going to be a long 2 years, but I know Cory will love it in Chile!