Today is Ashlie's Birthday...22nd to be exact! She is on her mission in Ogden, Utah, so we sent her a package for her birthday, and some money so she could buy some warm boots (seen above). Here is the email she sent me after her birthday.
Sister Ashlie Martin:
Thank y'all so much for all of the birthday emails I love them! I also love the package and cards, thanks grandma and grandpa I really liked that card! I think about y'all a lot and hope things are starting to look up, I love you! :) Mom I love the scarf and thank both of y'all for the b-day money! Dad I loved the card! they made me laugh, thank you. i also got a package form the Robinson's too. they sent me a card the showed where all of them are and a sweater that I almost bought last week. thank y'all! Lindsie, thank you for the email! I am sorry you are so busy with class but I am glad you had time to email me.
Well today is full of shopping and then the Thurgoods are taking my comp and I out to dinner! So I got a birthday day surprise this morning.... the first day of snow :( I am going to freeze! Good thing we will be inside most of the day, well I guess we will be walking to night but we will see what we can do about that.

Picture on my b-day the Thurgoods took me to dinner and later that night, because it was freezing we went there for hot coco before we had to be home.
Happy Birthday Ashlie, we love you!
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