This morning Chuck woke me up at 7 am asking where Austin's streamers were....I had stayed up late finalizing my paper and reading the Book Club book, Mr. Darcy, Vampyre, (which is great) that I totally forgot to put them up before I went to bed. Thank goodness Chuck remembered, and we had the streamer up just minutes before Austin woke up.


The first thing Austin wanted to do, was open a present! So we let him open two presents before school.

He gets pretty wild when he opens his presents!

Right now he is into Star Wars Lego's. After Austin got on the bus, I went to my Microbiology and English class, and afterwards I went and had lunch with Austin. I took him some Chick-Fil-A...it's his favorite... so he was very happy.

Austin saw this cake at Kroger last time we went shopping and begged to have this Spongebob cake for his birthday. I couldn't resist...the pieces on top of the cake are little spring action figures he can play with later.

After school Austin came home and opened one more present and then we had BIRTHDAY CAKE.

Just after we lite the candles, Cory called to wish Austin a Happy Birthday!!!!!



Blow... out all the candles! After cake, we check the mail....and there a card from G. Rose & G. Scott...with $50... he was so excited. Then he opened a card from Ashlie and he loved the candy and a picture she sent him. Immediately, Austin wanted to go to target so he could buy a toy. At target he wasn't able to find a toy he wanted....(he was limited to no guns, swords, or anything shooting or fighting), so we went to check out the video's and there was nothing there that he wanted... until he saw the DS and he had to have it! I told Austin he did not have enough money to buy a new DS, but we could check for a used DS at Game Stop. So we did, and he was only short fifteen dollars, so we pitched in on the DS and bought 1 game as a present from Mom and Dad.

On Friday night, Dad took Austin, Michael Ferris, Spencer Greenwood,and Quentin Metcalf, to Laser Quest for Austin's Birthday party. It sounded like they had a great time. The boys teamed up and hunted Chuck down! And then after Laser Quest they went for ice cream. I had to work that night, but I think it worked out best with it just being the BOY'S! Austin was so happy. I'm not sure what his favorite part was, but he had a pretty awesome birthday! Happy 7Th Birthday, Austin! We love you!
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