Happy Halloween! The second best day of the year is finally upon us! Every Monday, before Halloween, we carve our pumpkins for FHE. Austin doesn't really like getting his hands messy, but he and Dad suffer through it to make me happy!

Austin is a little older this year, and very excited to carve out his own pumpkin. I gave him a few tips, a safe carving tool, and he was on his way.

Here are our pumpkins, carved and ready to scare those who come to visit.

After classes on Friday, Kelly came over to help me get ready for the Halloween party that night. She helped me make clam chowder and a bean dip, and we also hung a black spider over the kitchen table. I think it turned out pretty good.

Here are some decorations by the front door.

And some decorations over and behind the kitchen sink.

Then after a few finishing touches, I changed into my vampire outfit and was ready for the evening.

Dad had to take Austin to soccer practice before the party, and afterwards they stopped at the store for punch and dry ice. Soon after, the party began with food, some Halloween trivia, and a game of catch phrase. It was nice to have friends over, the Anthons, Laws, Lymans, Solgeres, McLemores, Mauss', Corringtons, and the Ferris'. We had a good turn out, and I think everyone had a good time, I know I did!

On Saturday morning I had to work and Austin had a soccer game. But later that evening we got ready for Trunk-or-Treat at the Church. This year Chuck actually dressed up in full costume as a vampire. Here is a picture of the three of us all dressed up. I should of had Austin dress up as a vampire too, but he wanted to be a pirate.

And what a fine pirate he was!

Austin, you AAARRGGG so cute!

Austin had a great time hanging out with Michael, Spencer, and the other kids!
After Trunk-or-Treat we went home and ate Carmel apples. I stayed up and watched Halloween 20yrs later, and Dad was watching something (anything else) upstairs. I talked to Linds and Cory, and they went to some 'French' subtitled scary movie on campus, and then they had a ward Halloween parties to go to, so I think they had a great time. Sister Ashlie Martin had a weekend jam-packed full of fun!! They had a sisters activity on Friday, another sleepover!!!! So they did not work on Halloween morning, instead they ate pumpkin pancakes and chatted, but then they worked from 1 to 5 and then they had a zone party that night!! Ashlie's email said: "I love my mission!! it is going to me a SWEET Halloween!"
I think we all had a SWEET HALLOWEEN!
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