At 4:30 this morning, I meet Brother Richmond and 2 other guys from the Klein Ward to go down south/west of Galveston, to Matagorda Bay and go fishing!!! They had a spot open up, and Dean was kind enough to invite me. I'd never been to Matagorda Bay, and it took us a little over 2 hours to get down there. We grabbed some breakfast, made a trip to the restroom, and we were in the boat by 8am.

The fishing guide brought all the gear and bait (we used cut up mullet and then blue crab when Dean caught some). They supply some pretty sweet rods and reels...but they don't let you cast the gear, because it's a bit tricky. I'm sure the guide didn't want to untangle line all day! I had about 5 other fish take my bait,but I wouldn't wait long enough for the fish to swallow it before I jerked the line, so they just spit it out or took it! The guide was getting a little upset with me, but Dean and the other guys were pretty supportive; they weren't catching much at the time.

My first fish was a RED, and he put up a good fight. Dean, and the other guys in the boat were also catching fish. One of the Klein guys had a black tip shark on his line and was able to fight with it for a bit. Eventually, the shark swam under the boat and the line broke. The water was only a few feet deep, so we got a good look at the shark. It was amazing how you could watch the water on top, and see that something was headed for the bait!

Here is fish number one! Yeah...I didn't want to go home empty handed. Later in the day I also hooked a shark, but it bit through the line in about 15 seconds! But that was way cool!

This is my biggest fish yet! This RED was 28 1/2 inches, but we weren't able to weight it.

Here are the three REDS I caught! I did catch the biggest fish of the day!!! It was 28 1/2 inches long. And I caught an alligator gar (alligator looking snout on a fish with lots of sharp teeth)they didn't hang it up.

Here is a picture of the 4 of us and the REDS we all caught for the day. It was a great fishing trip! Only thing that could of made it better, was if Chuck was there too! I did text him while I was fishing to let him know what I was catching, and sent him a few pictures. It was very sweet of him to trust me to go fishing with 4 other guys,in the middle of who knows where; not many men could do that!

The guide stays out until everyone on the boat catches a couple of fish, and we didn't finish until 5pm (and boy did I have to go to the bathroom!). It was a long, cold, windy day...but it was so worth it! When we came back in with the boat, they clean our fish and bagged em for us. Yum...can't wait to have fish for dinner, and try that alligator gar. Now I need to book a trip for next year, when Chuck and I can go together!
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