On Thursday Linds & Cory packed the little blue car (with extra blessings and prayers) and headed off to Utah for another semester at BYU. This will be their first year together at college.

Dad made sure the car was ready and packed for the big trip.

I had to take one last picture of them backing out of the driveway...I was a little afraid I may not see the car again! Not of their doing, but it is a 95 Geo/Prism!

They left the house about 6am Thursday morning, and then stopped in Albuquerque that night at 11pm to spend the night in a hotel. They saw some beautiful scenery on the way.

I took these pictures off their albums on Facebook...it looks like they were having a great time being together!

Some of the pictures they took were really cool of the clouds!

Not sure what exact route they took, but I know that they stopped to enjoy it!

Great picture of Cory!

Where are they? New Mexico and Colorado. I hope they know! They both have a better sense of direction than I do...that's a good thing!

A picture of some rolling hills and mountains along with way, with a few towns dotted in-between.

A great picture of Lindsie! On Friday they headed out again at about 7am and drove the rest of the way to Utah...I think they arrived in Utah about 5pm. They made pretty good time, with the old blue car! Shortly after, they were both settled into their apartments and a few days later they started their first day of classes. Lindsie is looking for a job, and Cory got a job before he came home, he will be serving breakfast at the MTC....he is so excited! His roommate Matt, from this summer semester is going into the MTC in October, so Cory will be able to see him. Lindsie was not able to take Rosie (due to restrictions in the contract that we did not know about) so we will be taking care of her for awhile longer. But we still have the other rabbit, so what's one more, right?
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