Family photo of Cameron, Kiera, Zane, Denise,and Ky.
A little info up front. Denise was my college roommate my first year at Ricks. Denise also meet Zane at Ricks, and they started dating. Denise is from Juneau, Alaska, and Zane grew up in Rigby, Idaho. We had a lot of fun when the four of us got together, great memories...(Zane's Pinto). The next year they headed off to BYU and Chuck and I stayed at Ricks. We did drive to BYU once to visit them, and then got together in Houston years later. Every year Chuck and I always plan to visit them in Alaska, but we never seem to get past Seattle! Denise works for Alaska Airlines, so we email once in awhile, and we send each other a Christmas card each year.
After arriving at work today, I received an email from Zane...it said that Denise and their family have been having a tough time, that two and a half months ago, their 16 year old son Cameron, slipped while having lunch on top of a nearby mountain and died seconds later.
I can't describe how I felt, I sat frozen in my chair. I so wished I hadn't read that email. Immediately my heart ached for Zane, Denise, and their family. I went home and showed the email to Chuck, his reaction was the same. Later that evening Chuck wrote Zane a letter expressing our sadness to him and his family.
I went on line to find some information on the accident, and have added a photo that was posted of Cameron.


Mount McGinnis, in the Mendenhall valley area of Juneau overlooking the Mendenhall Glacier.
Cameron Hal Clark
Juneau Empire
Lifelong Juneau resident Cameron Hal Clark died July 1, 2009, on Mount McGinnis in Juneau. He was 16.
Born Oct. 27, 1992, he enjoyed being outdoors and loved skiing. When the weather warmed up and he couldn't ski anymore, he could be found riding his bike, or on any nearby trampoline, hiking, camping or playing ultimate frisbee, his family said. Years ago, he participated in and won many trail and road races with the Southeast Road Runners.
He was preparing for a Chilkoot Trail hike with his scout troop and was very close to achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Along with his active lifestyle, he made time to receive a number of scholastic achievements and awards.
"He will be greatly missed by all those he loved and who loved him," his family said. "His exuberance for life and his bright smile will always be remembered."
Clark, who attended Thunder Mountain High School in Juneau, had been hiking with two friends Wednesday. The group reached the top of the Mount McGinnis and was having lunch when Clark set down his backpack and it slipped off a ledge.
Clark went after it and never returned. The other teenagers waited awhile, then called out but heard no response. After a half-hour, one of them used a cell phone to get help. Hours later search and rescue where called, his body was later found down the side of the mountain.
A Photo of Zane & Denise at the funeral.

A Photo of Kiera and Ky with Zane.

I know that I can't even come close to feeling the lose that they do, but my heart goes out to them. I can only hope that our thoughts and prayers will help them through the times ahead.