Lindsie left the Sao Paulo, Brazil airport Monday, August 10th at about 7 pm and flew into MIA about 6 am Tuesday morning. After a couple of hours, she made her connection into Houston. Her plane was scheduled to arrive just before 11 am.
Dad and Austin are have been driving me crazy with the Lindsie count down! Austin has been behaving terrible the last few days. I know that some of it is due to the fact that he doesn't sleep well at night, because he is so excited that Lindsie is coming home! We are ALL excited!

Dad, Austin, and I went to the airport to meet and pick up Lindsie. Dad was posting on facebook every 5 minutes..literally... about what we were doing. We printed off boarding passes so that we could go to the gate and greet her! Here comes Lindsie's plane!

It's coming closer!

It's here.

Lindsie is walking off the plane...she is almost here!

Lindsie exits the plane...and gets a big hug from Austin.

Dad got the next hug, and then I got a big hug from Linds, Dad took a picture of us. She is so skinny, she looks terrific! I am so glad to finally get a hug from her again. Throughout her whole mission, I would have these dreams that she would have to fly back to Houston for some strange reason, just for the day, and I would be able to give her a big hug and she would tell me she is doing great and then have to go back to Brazil...weird...but I really missed being able to give her a hug!

Picture of Lindsie with Dad and Austin. For FHE last night, we helped Austin make a poster to hold up at the airport when Linsie got off the plane. Austin didn't want to hold it!

On the drive home from the airport, Lindsie tried to call Cory, no answer, so she texted him that she was home!

Home Sweet Home!

Last night I cleaned the bunny cages and gave Rosie a bath so that she would be all nice and pretty for Lindsie. It seems that they were both very happy to see each other.

As soon as Lindsie stepped in the house she began to unpack the gifts she brought back for us. Austin loves his Brazil soccer shirt!

I love, love, love this candy! I don't know what they are called, buy they are my favorite International candy. Lindsie found a box of 50! They are a wafer cookie with a soft marshmallow center and covered in chocolate. I usually get these when I go to Germany or Switerland, who knew they had these in Brazil!

That evening, Lindsie had her appointment with Presiden Pack for her Missionary release.

Lindsie was realeased as an active Sister Missionary, she was a bit sad.

Austin was so happy to have his sister back! It was very hard for him to have Lindsie gone for sooo long!
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