There's no better way to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" then having streamers strung-up outside your bedroom door. When I woke up this morning the kids had strung-up streams everywhere they could in the house, it was awesome!

Today was the first day of school for Austin and I. Lindsie got up and made all of us some yummy breakfast to start the day.

After breakfast and a few school photos, I was headed to a new semester of classes, with my backpack full of books.

Lindsie once again out-did herself, with the help of the boys of course! Cory cleaned the kitchen for me (it was pretty messy) AND he mopped the floor...the old fashion way, with a real mop! While Austin and I were at school, Lindsie and Cory spent most of the day running around getting my present...an awesome Penne Sandwich Maker! They are a hot item right now...and Chuck & Cory couldn't wait for me to get started on making them. I also got some awesome blood drip candles to use for Halloween. The only thing that could of made this day better, was if Ashlie was here, but it was great to get her birthday card in the mail!

I was done with classes about 12:30pm and I came home for a bit and then I went and did a little shopping, I had to be back by 4pm, when Austin's bus arrives. Austin didn't get home from school until 4:40pm, he was hot and thirsty, but he liked his first day of 1st grade! I snuggled on the couch with him for a bit, and took a 10 minute nap. After Linds and Cory returned from running errands and having Jamba Juice with the missionaries, Uncle Mel came over and we all went out to eat.

After dinner we played "Super Birthday Mom Trivia" by Lindsie Martin. It was pretty fun...Dad got the most points, and Austin was close behind! After that, we had cake! Shortly after, the Jensen's came by with a birthday present. Cindy had made some homemade spaghetti sauce and bread, and packed it in a nice basket and brought it over. It was really sweet of them to remember my birthday! Then at about 10pm I had control of the TV and watched 'The Closer' and went to bed. It was a great birthday, and turning 45 wasn't to bad! Below is a picture of the beautiful flowers Mel brought me!