This week was Girls Camp at Camp-Ta-Kula, in Chester Texas. That's about 90 miles north out Hwy 59. Everyone looks forward to Bishops night, even the Bishops! Chuck had to leave by 2pm to get up to camp in time for dinner, but he was working on a deal, so he asked if I would drive up with him so that he could work on the way. So Austin and I packed up some stuff for the road trip, and headed to camp.

This years fearless leaders were Cindy Jensen and Alicia McLemore, sitting at the end of the table, and of course all the rest of the gang!

Above is a picture of Brittany and Krystal and the other youth leaders. This year for 'Bishops Night' they had a "Guess Who" game. The stake leaders would describe and incident (given previously by the wife) and the girls from each ward would have to guess which Bishop it was. They had all the Bishops in the stake, sitting up front in chairs. Of course Chucks 'incident' had something to do with speeding, so most of the girls in the ward guessed it was him.

Austin stayed in the cafeteria with us for a bit, then he decided to go outside any play on the obstacle course. Afterwards, we all had dinner and then we spilt off into our own wards for a devotional. Chuck really enjoys coming up here to spend time with the girls. It was so cute to see all the first year girls at camp. And this year they had a lot of inactive girls attend camp, which was great! After the devotional, we packed up and stopped at sonic, down the road in Corrington before heading back home. I really miss going to girls camp, but I know that I'll have an opportunity again, someday!
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