Wow...this has been a busy week for us. Starting last Monday we were still trying to get most of the things put back where they belong after all the painting, and then Grandma and Grandpa Martin came in on Tuesday. They were just in time to help us figure out how to cook the lamb meat for Cory's graduation party on Saturday. We were going with the whole Greek theme and making gyros,Greek salad, and fruit. It was pretty fun to get all the recipes and stuff, but cooking the meat just right took us about 2 days of practice, trying different techniques. Thank goodness Chuck bought me a big food processor, so that we could mix the meat and spices well. And then Grandpa brought down his rotisserie cooker, and we were able to cook the meat in that. It was juicy in the inside, and crispy on the outside. I kept Grandma and Grandpa pretty busy, slicing and dicing for about 2 days. Grandpa kept busy, and cooked most of the meat while I weeded the front flower bed...that hasn't been touched since last spring! When Cory got home from school I had him mulch the beds. For the gyro sandwich, we made homemade pita bread and that was really good, we made about 150 of them. Cory even kneaded the dough, rolled out the pita, and baked them. He did a great job!

Everything was set up and ready. I put out all of Cory's school photo albums, so that people could look at them.

Brett Donaldson and Chuck's Dad.

Friend, Brittany, and Shane.

The Donaldson's came to visit from Katy! We haven't seen them for a few years, it was so nice to see them again. Unfortunatley, Fatima was out of town, but the rest of the family came to congradulate Cory. Oh my goodness, the kids are so big! Brittany just graduated from high school, and will be attending University of Texas. Shane recently broke his foot, so he was in a cast and hopping around on crutches, he is in high school. Brook is in middle school.

Chris Carlile

The Laws.

Nancy Pyper and Cory.

Toga girls, Erin, Megan, and Rachel.

Brittany Greenwood.

The Jensens.

David and Jennifer Corrington.

Picture of everyone enjoying the food!

Annie Aitken.

Mom hung out in the livingroom.

Brother Greenwood.

The party went great and we had lots of food, only about half the people we invited showed up. Cory and I had on our toga, and a few others wore one, so a good time was had by all. Dad declined on the toga attire!

Rachel, Lauren, Erin, Cory, Cody, and Megan.

Graduation banner.

Graduation cake with my favorite picture of Cory.

The kids had a great time playing in the yard.

I love having these greaduation parties for the kids, but I think that this one has been my favorite! I think that Cory had a pretty good time. The food was really good, and we had plenty for everyone. I couldn't have pulled this whole thing off without the help of Chuck's parents. They were great helpers. I can't believe Cory is done with high school, and off to college in a few weeks!

Cory and me.
1 comment:
Moment of proud! Hope you all had a great day. This post remembers me of our farewell party thrown by juniors. It was a day full of mixed emotions. Pictures were clicked! Dinner and drinks arranged at Los Angeles venues were of high quality. Also got memorable gifts. Dance and music went very well.
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