On Thursday we went to go and pick up Ashlie at the airport.She came in on Delta (what's up with that?) and so we printed some passes and meet her at the gate. Her flight was about 20 minutes late, so we roamed around the gate area as we waiting for her plane to land.

And finally we saw her plane!!
Austin could hardly stand it any more!

It took forever for them to park the plane at the gate!

Chuck was the first one by the door when they opened it.

He wanted to make sure he was going to get the first hug! And a picture of Ashlie!

And he got both!

Finally, she came off the plane all smiles and gave us a hug, Austin was next.

We had some flowers ready for Sister Martin when she got off the plane.

What a great smile!

Chuck is trying so hard not to bust into tears.

And Austin is just happy to have one of his big sister's at home!

My turn to give Ashlie a hug and get a quick picture. Then we got her 50 + lb bags and headed for home. Lindise called so Ashlie got to talk to her. Then Ashie called G.& G. Martin and G. Rose & G. Scott too.

Later we ordered some Del Pueblo for dinner, and then she went to see the Stake President at 730p. She was in with president Pack for an hour! They seemed to hit it off really well!

Ashlie wanted a picture of her taking off her Sister Missionary pin. When we got back to the house, the Jensen's came over with peach cobbler for Ashlie and we had a nice visit!

The next morning Ashlie called some of her friends and enjoying being home again.

But I think that you can tell by this picture that Austin is the happiest of all that Ashlie has returned from her mission!